The Electric Vehicle Battery and Circular Economy Observations

The Electric Vehicle Battery and Circular Economy Observations

The Electric Vehicle Battery and Circular Economy Observations Recycling, Jobs, R&D & Scope 3 Carbon Emissions The concept of a circular economy for Lithium-Ion batteries (LiBs), along with its drivers, barriers and enablers has been studied recently (NREL...
Analog AM Band Interference in Electric Vehicles

Analog AM Band Interference in Electric Vehicles

There is an effort in the US Congress to require automakers to maintain AM radio in all vehicles, including new electric vehicles (EVs). However, the nature of EVs and their operating conditions, including acceleration and deceleration, pose a challenge to ensuring...
State of ADAS, Automation, and Connectivity

State of ADAS, Automation, and Connectivity

Vehicles are currently in a new stage of evolution that includes advanced driver assist, connectivity, and automation. Due to the evolving nature of the technology and shifting consumer preferences, the timing and pathway for implementation of these technologies is...

The Inflation Reduction Act: Clean Vehicle Credits

On August 16, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 into law. The law will, among many things, allocate nearly $370 billion to climate and energy-focused investments and incentives. The IRA resulted from a hard-fought effort that created a...
Digital Transformation and Its Impact on Quality Assurance Whitepaper

Digital Transformation and Its Impact on Quality Assurance Whitepaper

The conversion brought forth by digital transformation and advanced technologies has made a tremendous impact on the way manufacturers process and manage their organizations. While the strategies of agile and modern management systems, specifically quality management,...
Sustainability Roundtable Whitepaper

Sustainability Roundtable Whitepaper

CAR conducts quarterly meetings with CAR Affiliates—a group of over 65 automotive stakeholders whose contributions support CAR’s research activities. Over the past 18 months, sustainability has become a key point of discussion at these meetings. The increasing focus...