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Affiliates Program
The Affiliates Program supports CAR’s strong relationship with key industry stakeholders in the automotive community that results in industry-driven research and analyses; forecasting; the fostering of dialogue and the convening of forums as an independent, non-profit, research organization with a multi-disciplinary approach.

Automotive Communities Partnership (ACP)
The Automotive Communities Partnership (ACP) brings together communities, international partners, automotive companies, educational institutions, and government agencies in a collaborative environment to sustain and grow the U.S. automotive footprint through monthly industry updates; quarterly sales, production, and employment forecasts; exclusive networking opportunities; and advice on public policy and site selection opportunities.

Technology Advisory Council (TAC)
CAR’s Technology Advisory Council (TAC) provides a voice of the industry, with valuable insight and guidance for issues that are critically important to the industry from an auto manufacturer’s perspective. The advisory council consists of individuals with engineering, manufacturing, or supply chain backgrounds. The group meets two to three times each year, facilitated by CAR and cover a range of topics including: fuel economy and greenhouse gas regulations, manufacturing issues impacting lightweighting, and advanced powertrain technologies.