Snehasis Ganguly, Ph.D.
Senior Industry Analyst – Technology
Center for Automotive Research

Dr. Snehasis Ganguly serves as the Senior Industrial Analyst at the Center for Automotive Research. Snehasis comes to CAR after a 22-year career at Ford Motor Company.
During his tenure at Ford, he held a leadership position in Tech Strategy and planning, accelerating Ford’s push toward smart and connected vehicles. Prior to that, his experience at Ford was as an ED&T and Material cost reduction leader. He was also responsible for launching multiple Brakes and chassis programs and has multiple patents.
Snehasis was a Scientist at National Aerospace Laboratory in India specialising in fatigue and fracture. His first job out of college was as a Scientist at the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) where he worked with early launch vehicles.
Snehasis has a Ph.D. from Clarkson University, NY in Mechanical Engineering under a United Technology fellowship. Snehasis has a B. Tech (Hons) and M. Tech in Aerospace Engineering from IIT Kharagpur.