CAR Management Briefing Seminars
Students @ MBS Program
Center for Automotive Research
880 Technology Drive, Suite C
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 734.662.1287
The Center for Automotive Research (CAR) offers a unique opportunity for students to connect with a future in the auto industry by participating in the Student Program at the CAR Management Briefing Seminars (MBS). Students@MBS open to undergraduate students pursuing a career in the automotive industry. Students will have the opportunity to share in one of the industry’s premier events. Students@MBS has been around for more than a dozen years, each year with over 40 students representing up to 12 schools and multiple corporate sponsors.
Students@MBS offers those students who are passionate about pursuing a career in the automotive industry an opportunity to experience firsthand the present-day issues driving the industry.
Students will have the opportunity to:
- Be introduced to an industry that provides a prospective career path
- Network with speakers and participants, for references and future job opportunities
- Have round-table discussions with industry executive leaders and conference speakers
- Relate the methods and theories learned in academic classes to real industry issues
Students will be provided with:
- Full-conference registration (Monday-Thursday)
- Orientation upon arrival (Monday afternoon)
- Lodging (based on double occupancy with another student)
- Meals – Continental breakfast and lunch each day at the conference; social hours hosted in the evening. Any additional meals are at student’s own expense.
- The student is responsible for their own travel arrangements, travel expenses, meals outside
the conference and any incidentals. - Sponsorship pays for 1 room (based on double occupancy, pairings will be assigned) and includes 3-night’s (Monday-Thursday) accommodations.
- A personal credit card will be required upon check-in for incidentals. Additional nights may be paid for on your own.
University or Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities:
Your company or university can support our Students@MBS Program. For only $4,000 of sponsorship it provides the opportunity to assist (2) college students in exploring a future in the mobility industry. CAR will recruit students or two of your students or interns can be included.
How to Join the Program
Colleges or Undergraduate Students (must be currently in the U.S.) need to contact our program coordinator or submit a request on the form below before May 31st.